Reviews Company

MonaVie was founded in January of 2005 by former Usana VP of sales, Monarch Health Sciences owner, and Dynamic Essentials VP, Dallin Larsen. Dynamic Essentials was closed by the FDA in February 2003. Henry Marsh is co-founder and executive VP of MonaVie.

The MonaVie company structure is multi-level marketing with a hybrid binary compensation plan. The company’s flagship product is MonaVie Active Juice a proprietary blend of 19 fruit juices including the Acai berry, noted for its high levels of anti-oxidants and nutrients.
MonaVie provides a blend of rare and lesser-consumed fruits to provide a high level of antioxidants and nutrient benefits. Nutrients include Celadrin and Glucosamine.
Monavie is a division of Monarch Health Sciences.

MonaVie launch on January 2005 at SOUTH JORDAN UTAH,USA and Now MonaVie
having and entry into 16 country in the world.

Headquaters Building MonaVie at USA


MonaVie ( Malaysia Sdn Bhd ),Level 2,Menara UOA Bangsar,Bangsar Utama,
Kuala Lumpur

Humanity has been waiting for Mona-Vie And Mona-Vie has a mission–a daunting one.
It begins with helping people enjoy a greater degree of wellness. MonaVie delivers dense, abundant, powerful nutrients that are transforming lives with remarkable swiftness! …
The most renowned ingredient, the legendary Acai Berry, is one of the few Brazilian exports that can directly protect the mighty rainforest itself. As word of the extraordinary benefits of drinking MonaVie reaches across nations and oceans, harvesting the rainforest FRUITS will become wiser Brazilian commerce than harvesting the trees themselves.” 

WHY MonaVie ?

Top Number 1 Catergori Food & Beverages

Top CEO Leadership Award from Ernst & Young

Group Team Management MonaVie

 Founded By : Dallin Larsen

Owners Of : Monarch Health Sciences

Co - Founders : Randy Larsen and Hendry Marsh

President : Dell Brown

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