Plan and Opportunity

MonaVie offers a truly innovative and dynamic COMPENSATION PLAN in the direct selling industry. With 7 ways to earn income and 50% of the sales volume paid out in distributor commissions, MonaVie provides powerfully rewarding opportunity!
7 ways earn income Simple,Easier and Faster :
1.Direct Sales and Preferred Customer Bonus
Retail sales allow distributors to buy MonaVie products at wholesale and then sell
you to receive a bonus on sales made to your preferred customers.

2.First Oder Bonus ( FOB )
Earn a 20% FOB on sales volume when an Independent Dristributors you ' ve
personally sponsored places a first time order.

3.Star Maker Bonus [ SMB ]
Earn up each time someone you've personally sponsored reaches the rank of STAR

4.Team Commision Bonuses [ TCB ]
Earn up to a 10% bonus on the sales volume generated in your leg with the least
volume up to a maximum of 10,000 GBU per week / per business centre.

 5.Executive Check Match Bonus
As a MonaVie Executive you may earn an Executive Check Match bonus based
on the sales volume generated by distributors you personally sponsor,the distributors
they personally sponsor and so forth up to seven generations of executives.

6.Leadership Bonus
Blue,Hawaiian Blue and Black diamond executives share in total company sales
volume each week through our MonaVie Leadership Bonus.
7.Multiple Business Centres
Once you reach the rank of Hawaiian Blue Diamond you are awarded an additional business centre to be placed above your initial business centre.Earn up to three additional business centre each potentially earning 10,000 GBU per week in team
commissions based on the sales generated within the MonaVie Sales Organization.
What's more, MonaVie® leverages today's most effective form of distribution - relationship marketing. With this person-to-person approach, you'll be able to share the benefits of the MonaVie independent business opportunity with others and be rewarded for doing so, based on your sales and the product sales of those in the organization you helped create.


First Attention for all DISTRIBUTORS the first targets is status RUBY EXECUTIVE and DIAMOND EXECUTIVE Mona-Vie company will be given free package RUBY FLY-IN.


All the below Reward Incentive Program awaiting for Distributor's to get it
Gina and Steve - MonaVie Crown Black Diamond

Easier,faster and simple to earning money,
just following with ours systems

More information call / sms or email.We will feedback soonest possible.

Distributor Registration 

Applicant Information - On Line
ID Sponsor : 3438017
Tel : +6016-2923199
Email :